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Support a Classroom. Build a Future.

Please Donate Today.

Giving Opportunities 

Featured Giving Opportunity 

Secure Online Donation

Donate to the Lyman School

A gift to the Lyman School will help us to further the work we do by providing our students programs and services. Gifts of any size will help us to make an impact for our students and will be greatly appreciate. If you would like to discuss your donations privately, please contact Laura Lukefahr at 407-898-7099

 Please help with a donation today. 

You can choose how your donation will be used. 

In Memory

Those Who Touch Our Lives Stay In Our Hearts Forever

This gives you the opportunity to make a contribution in memory of a loved one. Please take a moment to visit our memorial page and view the people in our lives who have made am impact on this school and our school family. 

Sponsor A Student 

We never want to turn away a student who would benefit from our school because of their inability to pay tuition or meet their co-pay. However, we do need to keep the school running, sponsoring a student from families that lack the financial resources allows these students the opportunity to attend a private school that can best meet their individual educational and emotional needs. 

Teacher Appreciation 

We can never thank our teachers enough for all that they do. It's our group of teachers and support staff that make up the Lyman Family. Making donations towards this fund, helps  us show greater appreciation towards our staff by providing, benefits, bonuses, trainings and so much more. 

School Improvements

As a non-profit school so much of our resources go into the students and their educational needs. We have a long wish list of improvements that we would like to make to our facility and property. We are currently in the process of raising funds for: 


  • Fencing in our school property

  • Adding a kitchen

  • Bathroom renovations


If you are able to help with a financial donation or provide a service we would love to hear from you. 


Use As Needed

Any donation made can and will be used to continue to provide the best educational opportunities to our students. 

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